The Cardinal Newman Catholic Educational Trust
Meet The CEO

Dr. Daniel Doyle
Dr. Daniel Doyle is the founding Chief Executive Officer of the Cardinal Newman Catholic Educational Trust and has extensive experience leading and managing schools and Multi-Academy Trusts in the Catholic and Private sectors.
Dr Doyle’s first leadership role was as Headteacher of Our Lady and St. Hubert’s Catholic primary school (OLSH) and Teaching School Alliance in Sandwell. Despite being in an area of high socio-economic deprivation, St. Hubert’s secured an “Outstanding” Ofsted judgement and achieved remarkable academic results – leading to them being ranked eighth nationally in The Times Top 400 State Primary Schools.
The success of Our Lady & St Hubert’s led Danny to being named as the Senior Executive Principal and Accounting Officer for the Saint Catherine of Siena Academy in the West Midlands. As part of this role, Danny oversaw a new school build of OLSH (and its expansion to two-form entry), the development of the Teaching School Alliance and a financial and strategic restructuring of the Academy. This highly successful restructure saw the Academy secure Outstanding Ofsted judgements across 75% of its schools and achieve remarkable student outcomes across all schools. As a result, Danny was appointed the Director of the SHAPE Teaching School Alliance and was deployed as a National Leader for Education and helped coordinate a nationwide and international school-to-school support programme.
More recently, Danny was appointed as Headteacher at GEMS FirstPoint - a large premium whole-school through school for GEMS Education in Dubai. Danny successfully oversaw the school’s development as it achieved record-high GCSE and A Level outcomes and secured its first-ever “Outstanding” inspection judgement.
Finally, Danny received his PhD following his research into the development and attainment of pupils in relation to National Curriculum requirements, focusing on disadvantaged pupils writing and language development. As part of Danny's PhD, he published a case study outlining a highly innovative approach to curriculum development, which centred on character education and the overall development of pupils in preparation for 21st Century Learning rather than on the discrete coverage of curriculum objectives.
Danny is an established system leader who is passionate about driving up standards through outstanding teaching. Danny’s unwavering commitment to the pupils and communities he serves is driven by his determination to see that every student in his care is given access to an outstanding education and that every student is given the opportunity to develop spiritually, grow personally and thrive academically.
If you would like to learn more about school-to-school support or see how Danny and the Cardinal Newman Catholic Educational Trust could support your school improvement aims, then please explore the links below.